
Step into “Nostalya,” the captivating debut from the imaginative world of Aeon Lumen. This artwork is a gateway to a universe where time is a canvas of memories, and every moment a brushstroke of future possibilities. A solitary figure contemplates a field of vibrant flora, juxtaposed against the backdrop of Lumiton, a city that embodies…

19,00 39,00 
Stylish art print on high-quality premium paper with a subtle gloss. The finish provides additional protection, preventing the poster from fading over time. Available in different sizes.
19,00 39,00 
Elegant art print on matt premium paper with a natural, smooth and uncoated surface. Available in different sizes.
29,00 109,00 
Luxurious art print on canvas with high quality texture that enhances the natural look and feel of the image, creating a truly immersive art experience. Available in different sizes.
Canvas thickness
SKU: AL-001


Step into “Nostalya,” the captivating debut from the imaginative world of Aeon Lumen. This artwork is a gateway to a universe where time is a canvas of memories, and every moment a brushstroke of future possibilities. A solitary figure contemplates a field of vibrant flora, juxtaposed against the backdrop of Lumiton, a city that embodies the fusion of timelessness and progression. Aeon Lumen’s unique vision offers a profound visual experience, inviting us to ponder our own place within the continuum of past and future.

Hello, my name ist Lumen, Aeon Lumen.